[TUTORIAL] Easy install of OScam on Enigma2 (mips-tuxbox) based STB without the need of any third party plugin or SoftCam Manager pre-installed.


Install OSCam on a STB running Enigma2 (mips-tuxbox plateform) without the need of another plugin or a softcam manager.

This way of working should work for almost any E2 image, there will be no integration with any SoftCam Manager but we will install a very good plugin dedicated to OScam, which will allows you to control the OScam status and even restart it: OScamStatus.


- a linux Enigma2 based STB on which you can run OScam in its mips-tuxbox version (to be able to use the pack like it is)
- your stb should have an internal card reader referenced by /dev/sci0
- being able to connect to your STB in telnet and FTP (with DCC or any other program)
- being able to follow and type some simple commands or being able to do cut and paste :-)
- we consider that your STB has no other running softcam before following this tutorial (typically on a brand new E2 image installation). If another softcam is running, it can prevent OScam from running properly.


Take the pack attached to this tutorial (easy-oscam.tgz).
Transfer the pack in the folder /tmp of your E2 STB by FTP.

Connect via telnet and type the following commands (or even better make cut and paste) the cd / at the very beginning is really important don't skip it:

cd /
tar -xvzf /tmp/easy-oscam.tgz
Your STB will make a full reboot.

Now you have:

- OScam installed on your STB in the folder /usr/bin and the configuration files are in /var/tuxbox/config
- OScam will autostart when you reboot your STB.
- OScam is active in dvbapi mode so it is self sufficien, no need for any other softcam to run.
- The web interface of OScam is accessible from http://ip_address_of_receiver:16001 (Login: username password: password)
- The internal card reader /dev/sci0 is enabled
- The plugin Oscam Status release 0.41-r0 is installed

With the plugin OScam Status you can control the status and even restart your OScam, no need to any SoftCam Manager integration specific for each image.
It should appears in your Plugins list. If you change the login / password of the OScam webif, don't forget to change it too in the Oscam Status plugin otherwhise it won't work anymore.

Good to know:

The OScam executable is installed into the folder /usr/bin
The OScam configuration files are placed into the folder /var/tuxbox/config

If you want to test a newer version of OScam you just need to:

- Copy the new executable version (we will call it: The_New_Name_of_the_new_version) into the /usr/bin folder.

Go in telnet and type:

cd /usr/bin
killall oscam
rm oscam
ln -s  The_New_Name_of_the_new_version oscam
chmod 755 oscam
reboot -f
Thanks to PR2 from oscam.to forum